ICGroup Education
担当者 David Aluizio Bernardino
所在地 127 Woodcote Av, London, NW7 2PD
カントリー United Kingdom
電話 +44 0 203 674 9921
ウェブサイト www.icg-education.co.uk
Eメール info@icg-education.co.uk

The ICGroup Education provides advanced professional courses and a full range of English language courses in the UK
together with an educational service. The ICGroup works with the most prestigious and reputable schools in the UK, many of whom have more than half a century of successful history, combining traditional British education with progressive teaching methods. Schools associated with the ICGroup have British Council accreditation and many of them are members of English UK and Quality English
organisations. The mission of the ICGroup is to facilitate the successful careers of professionals and students from Brazil and Russia by providing high-quality international event services. The ICGroup's aim is to strengthen its leadership position in the events market and maintain long-term relationships with all clients and partners.

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