Mill Hill Summer School
연락처 Emma Jennings
주소 The Mount, Mill Hill International, Mill Hill, London, NW7 2RX
지역 London
전화 +44 203 826 3355
웹 사이트
Twitter @mhsummerschool
제공되는 숙박지 유형
해당 사항 아님 cross
홈스테이 cross
캠퍼스 및/또는 주거지역 tick
호텔 또는 호스텔 cross
소재지 유형
도시/소도시 tick
시골 지역 tick
해변 cross
장애자 시설 제공
휠체어 사용 장애자를
위한 편의 시설
활동 장애자를
위한 편의 시설
청각 장애자를
위한 편의 시설
시각 장애자를
위한 편의 시설
센터 설명

Located in beautiful grounds, just 30 minutes from Central London, Mill Hill Summer School provides the perfect setting for learning and enjoyment.

Our courses are aimed both at students who will be joining British Boarding Schools and at those who wish to sample British education in the summer.

We offer courses to ages 12–17, combining English learning with academic subjects, including Mathematics and Science or Sport. These core elements are complemented by a varied programme of Creative activity classes including Music, Dance, Drama and Art.

Although the focus of our courses is on academic progress, the varied social programme and the exciting range of activities and excursions ensures that students find their summer at Mill Hill stimulating and rewarding.

Set within the campus of internationally renowned Mill Hill School, we are able to offer first rate facilities, including an indoor heated swimming pool, newly refurbished classrooms, a comfortable and homely boarding house and extensive sports facilities. The safety and well-being of our students is of paramount importance and our suitably trained staff ensure the welfare of pupils from the moment we meet them at the airport to the final farewell on departure.

  • 코스 정보
  • Intensive academic and English Plus

    코스 유형 F. 청소년 단기 코스
    시작 일정 7월, 8월
    코스 기간 1-3주, 3-8주
    연령층 16-18
    코스 시간 26-30
    수업료 £1000 이상
    수업 규모 12
    초보자 가능?