Dundee and Angus College
Контактные данные Andrea Dew
Адрес Gardyne Campus, Gardyne Road, Dundee, Tayside, DD5 1NY
Регион Scotland
Телефон +44 1382 834834
Факс +44 1382 448866
Веб-сайт www.dundeeandangus.ac.uk
Эл. почта a.dew@dundeeandangus.ac.uk
Facebook facebook.com/DundeeAndAngusCollege
Предлагаемый тип жилья
Нет данных tick
Проживание в местной семье cross
Территория учебного заведения и/или жилые помещения cross
Гостиница или общежитие cross
Тип расположения
Мегаполис/городок tick
Сельская местность cross
Морское побережье tick
Средства для людей с ограниченными физическими возможностями
Средства для людей с ограниченными физическими возможностями,
использующих кресла-каталки
Средства для людей
с нарушениями опорно-двигательного аппарата
Средства для людей
с нарушениями слуха
Средства для людей
с нарушениями зрения или слепых
Описание центра

Dundee and Angus College is a large college spread across three campuses in the east of Scotland. We have long experience of working with learners outside the UK and have helped thousands of students to improve their English, to gain new qualifications and to realise their ambitions.

General English (ESOL - English for Speakers of Other Languages)
We offer full-time and part-time General English courses from Beginner to Advanced. There is a strong focus on interactive communication and students practise grammar, vocabulary and all four skills in interesting and varied lessons.

Students are encouraged to take an active role in the learning process both inside and outside the classroom through project work which enables students to develop study, research and presentation skills.

Depending on level, students progress towards Cambridge PET, FCE and CAE exams, IELTS and SQA (Scottish Qualifications Authority) Units. All students receive a report detailing progress made and qualifications gained while at Dundee and Angus College and many students progress to mainstream programmes at college and university.

Cultural and Social Programme
We offer a varied programme of visits to places of historical and cultural interest, sporting events, Scottish dancing, theatre trips and countryside walks.

Teaching Staff
We have a dynamic team of highly qualified and experienced ESOL lecturers. We also run successful teacher training courses including the internationally recognised Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA).

ESOL courses exploit a wide range of materials and on-line resources. Students have access to the internet, a library, swimming pool and gym.

Student Support
Dundee and Angus College offers excellent support and advice regarding work, further study, financial and personal matters. There is a very active Student Association which promotes student involvement in sporting and social activities. The college has a system of class representatives so students have a clear voice.

  • Сведения о курсе
  • ESOL

    Тип курса A. Общий и интенсивный английский
    Месяцы работы Январь, Февраль, Март, Апрель, Май, Июнь, Август, Сентябрь, Октябрь, Ноябрь, Декабрь
    Продолжительность курса 6 месяцев, один год
    Возрастная группа 18-22, 23+
    Часы курса 16-20
    Стоимость обучения £200-299
    Размер класса 20
    Начинающие принимаются? Да