Languages & Travel
联系人 Pascal CARRE
地址 143 Avenue Louise, BRUSSELS, 1050
国家 Belgium
电话 +32 2 899 75 15

Languages & Travel is a boutique language travel agency. With nearly 30 years of existence, it has proved its resilience over the years. From a "brick & mortar" type of agency, the next step will be to move 100% online. The present pandemic is accelerating this move. Edvisor (self-)generated quotes, Zoom meetings with prospects and clients, virtual B2C and B2B fairs are bringing language travel agencies into a new area where only cost-effective agile operations will survive. A new website will be released in the next couple of weeks or so. I am confident that Languages & Travel will bounce back thanks to a careful selection of partner language schools / organisations, a tech & social networks based agency, yet with the personal touch and care which has always been the essence of Languages & Travel. Languages & Travel, we care is our slogan and I mean it.

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