Membership types

Become part of the English UK community

English UK is the UK's national English language teaching association. 

Our community includes UK English language centres, study abroad agents and industry service providers. We speak up for the sector and offer a variety of member services to help the UK ELT sector thrive.

English UK membership for UK ELT centres

English UK centre membership is for UK language centres that are accredited by Accreditation UK. Over 80% of accredited centres have chosen to join us.

We support, promote and represent our members in the UK and around the world, helping them succeed and driving up standards in UK ELT.

Member centres have access to exclusive services and a range of discounts that can save them over £1,000 a year.

English UK associate membership for HE/FE providers

We offer associate membership to UK further and higher education providers that teach English language courses for international students. It gives college and university language centres access to UK ELT market intelligence and the benefits of being part of our ELT community​.

There is no requirement to be accredited by Accreditation UK to be an associate member.

English UK corporate membership

Corporate membership is for service providers who support the English language teaching sector, including publishers, exam bodies and accommodation providers.

You'll benefit from business exposure, discounted exhibition opportunities and opportunities to share your news with English UK members.

English UK partner agency status

English UK Partner Agency status is a badge of recognition for established study abroad agencies who work with English UK members centres to promote the UK as an English language study destination