Do you have links to charities? Help us shout about the Eddie Byers Scholarship
8 May 2017

Your generosity has helped us create the Eddie Byers Scholarships in memory of English UK's late chief executive – and now we need your help again, to reach charities changing lives with English language teaching.

As you probably know, the scholarship is now open for the first round of scholarship awards.

To ensure the funding is in good hands, applications must be made by UK-registered charities only. They can apply for support for any kind of project, to support an individual's English exams so they can study at univeristy, to a teacher delivering a group class to support integration. So long as English language teaching is at its core and enhaces their lives.

We know many English UK members and corporate members work closely with charities in your local communities and beyond, and that some of you have charitable status, and hope we can count on you to share the word.

Here's a quick reminder of the key details:

  • Applicants must be registered UK charities
  • Each charity can submit one application
  • For funding up to £2,500.

Succesful projects will:

  • Use English language teaching to improve prospects and opportunities
  • Address real need
  • Reach those who do not otherwise have access to the funds required.

View the full terms and conditions and apply here


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