Young Learners English UK has a productive 2018
6 December 2018

Young Learners English UK, a special interest group of English UK, have had a very productive year with a total of 54 members and an aim to teach young people.

Our main focus this year has been to build agent awareness of what we do for young learners and the expectations from group leaders when they attend schools in the UK. With the help of English UK, we have built this awareness through successful webinars for agents and parents.

We have member schools based in Cambridge, Bristol and Liverpool.

Last year we held 11 training sessions in London focusing young learners and delivered by experts in this field. We offer two free sessions to our members, and we always include safer recruitment and safeguarding for members to make sure their staff are trained with the latest information.

We also held sessions on writing an Emergency Procedure and e-safety as well as a very good meeting on the General Data Protection Regulation and what it means to our industry. Our members had lots of questions that went a long way to help us understand the implications of the GDPR. Fiona Miller and Catherine Parkinson from Analysis Legal gave a very humanistic approach, which was followed up with a session on writing a GDPR policy for our industry.

We attended Study World in September giving a talk to agents on the various regions in the UK and what members can offer them. This was very well received. We also hosted a Young Learners Village at Study World for our members using various promotional items.

10 of our members were inspected by the BC this summer under the new criteria and we discussed this at a meeting to find out how things went.

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