The Autumn Inward Mission, which was run in association with English UK Central, took place from Monday 5 to Friday 9 October, 2009. English UK welcomed 19 agents from Saudi Arabia, Libya, Syria, Oman, Bahrain, Iran, Turkey, Armenia and Georgia.
The busy schedule included visits to Cambridge, Bedford, Loughborough, Cheltenham, Worcester and London, with the agents visiting four member institutions for showcases, and meeting with approximately 30 member institutions during two full-day workshops, kindly hosted by the Bedford School Study Centre and Loughborough College respectively.
On the Thursday evening, the agents attended a Welcome Reception hosted by English UK Central at Kingsway English Centre, which included presentations about English UK Central and the central region of England.
On the Friday, there was a reunion event in London for agents and educators who attended the Al Ain Fair earlier this year, which was also attended by member institutions participating in the inward mission. Everyone enjoyed a flight on the London Eye in two private pods and then walked along the river to the nearby Del Aziz restaurant for dinner.
Despite the cold and wet weather that continued throughout the week, the agents seemed to enjoy their trip, and there was a productive and friendly atmosphere among the group. Feedback from both agents and members was very positive. One agent commented, "More or less, I met 50 schools during the trip. That is so great... We always promoted the schools in London or in the south part of the UK. Meeting with the schools from middle England was so great. Now I will start promoting them too."
English UK plans to hold the next inward mission in May 2010 with agents from South America.

From top to bottom, left to right: Agents visit to CES Embassy Cambridge; workshop at Bedford School Study Centre; roast dinner made by students at Loughborough College; visit to Gloucestershire College; farewell event on the London Eye and farewell dinner in London
More photos of the event can be found here.
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