The autumn is one of the busiest times for the marketing teams at English UK member centres as they travel all over the world to promote studying in the UK.
Some participate in industry events such as English UK's inward missions, overseas fairs and scoping trips, many consolidate their partnerships visiting key agents at their office in country or by organising their own exhibitions and roadshows.
Oxford International, for example, held its second Russia and Central Asia roadshow in September. The roadshow aimed to showcase Oxford International's expanding academic portfolio, which now includes four university partners (Bangor, Bedfordshire, Canterbury and De Montfort), and the new d'Overbroeck's teaching and boarding facility in Oxford and due to be ready for the 2017 autumn term.
The events took place in Moscow, Almaty and Astana over three days with over 90 agents present for presentation sessions and individual appointments with Oxford International recruitment staff and product heads, followed by evenings of wine tasting, quizzes and dinner.
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