Be QUIC to get access to the best ELT market data
28 March 2017

The Quarterly Intelligence Cohort (QUIC) is a far superior replacement to the old core statistics group, offering professional analysis, quarterly high-quality and detailed reports and accurate information on different strands of ELT within six weeks of each quarter's end.

The full analysis and report, created by StudentMarketing, will be available to QUIC members only, but an executive summary will be provided for other English UK members and the wider industry. It costs just £250 to join the scheme for a year, and after 31 March, the next opportunity to join will be in December.

English UK is the first national ELT organisation to collect and provide market information in such reliability and depth, and also the first to offer it as a professional service to support members in their operations and marketing.

Sarah Cooper, English UK's chief executive, is urging members to join, both to make the statistics as accurate as possible, and also for their own benefit.

"We believe it will help participating members enormously, with access to the latest figures and detailed analysis of UK ELT and our source markets. Each report will arrive in good time for members to use it to tweak their planning and marketing, and they can also use the statistics to benchmark their own performance against similar centres."

StudentMarketing's head of research Patrik Pavlacic said QUIC had many advantages for English UK members. "In these uncertain times, they will have a unique opportunity to gain access to a timely influx of business intelligence which will help them keep abreast of trends and be ahead of competition - not having to wait until annual statistics are in to see possible shifts in the market," he said.

He said QUIC was "a considerable improvement" on the core statistics group, which required members to take part for three years at a time, with analysis done in-house. "It will deliver a regular package of business intelligence, featuring various breakdowns, comparisons and analysis - all in an easy-to-digest format.

Furthermore, it will deliver insights into actual market performance and identify emerging trends. Individual centres will be able to compare themselves against market averages and adjust their offer and marketing accordingly. For the broader industry, it will represent yet another step towards a better documented maturing market, which will, in turn, elevate better story-telling, advocacy and lobbying."

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