Submit your stories for the Members' Conference
This has been the most difficult year our industry has ever faced. But amidst the adversity there have been incredible feats of innovation, inspiring acts of service and the opportunity for transformational learning. Our industry has proved itself resilient time and time again.
We want to hear your stories. We will then present a selection of these stories at the conference.
If you have a story of innovation, of acts of service above and beyond for your students or a piece of personal learning that you want to share, please submit a short video by Tuesday 11 May to Tim Barker.
Guidelines for video submission:
- Videos must be a maximum of 3 minutes long
- Feel free to be creative and dynamic, it doesn't need to be a typical presentation
- If using slides, they should be clear and clutter free
- Please send video via FTP in one of the following formats: .MOV | .MPEG4 | .MP4 | .AVI | .WMV
- Your video resolution should be at least 1280 x 720 and have an aspect ratio of 16:9 (recommended) or 4:3 (minimum).
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