English UK board elections: could you or a colleague make an impact on our board?
29 February 2024

English UK board elections: could you or a colleague make an impact on our board?

Are you interested in standing for the English UK Board of Trustees? Or do you know someone with the right skills and experience for the role? 

Four seats on our board of trustees are up for election this May. 

The board is responsible for English UK's strategic direction and governance. 

Who can stand for election? 

We need experienced leaders from ELT centres across the membership to set the direction of our association and guide the work of the English UK team. 

Board members must have senior leadership experience and be an employee or director of an English UK member centre.

Board member responsibilities

New trustees will serve a term of three years from May 2024 to May 2027. They can stand again for a second term in 2027. 

The board meets four to five times a year in London. In-person attendance is encouraged but you can also join online. Members are expected to contribute to discussions and working groups between meetings.

Members of the board of trustees become directors and trustees of English UK Ltd.

How to stand for election

To stand for election, you need to find a 'proposer' to back your nomination and sign your nomination form. This person needs to work for another member centre.

Download nomination form >>

If you are keen to stand but don't have a proposer, please get in touch. We can connect you with other members who may be able to support your nomination.

You need to email your completed nomination form to Jodie Gray, English UK's chief executive, by Friday 22 March.

During the voting period, candidates will have three ways to attract votes from the membership: a short personal statement, an optional video message and a presentation at the online member Q&A on Friday 19 April.

The election timetable 

Nominations window: Friday 1 March to Friday 22 March 

Voting window: Friday 19 April to Friday 3 May (each member centre gets one vote)

Election results will be announced at the 2024 AGM in London on Friday 17 May.

Increasing representation on the board

Our board works on behalf of all of our members. We want to attract candidates that represent the people in our sector and the wide range of ELT provider types. Our new Representation, Inclusion, Diversity and Engagement Committee (RIDEC) will be taking steps to encourage a wide pool of candidates.

Arrange an informal chat with our chief executive

If you'd like an informal chat to help you decide whether or not to stand now or in the future, we would love to hear from you. Please email Jodie Gray.

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