The English language teaching sector is vital to helping refugees and asylum seekers make a life in the UK. Join English UK in supporting Refugee Week (17 – 23 June 2019) with activities and welcome messages to reflect our warm and friendly industry.
Refugee Week, centering around World Refugee Day on Thursday 20 June, will see celebrations and events around the UK. Join in and help encourage greater understanding between communities in our international and diverse sector.
The English UK team will be posting welcome messages, sharing international dishes on World Refugee Day and raising money for the The Eddie Byers Fund through a FIFA World Cup sweepstake and tennis tournament.
The Eddie Byers Fund has helped over 250 refugees and asylum seekers with English language lessons and community activities. We would be delighted if you choose the Eddie Byers Fund as your Refugee Week charity.
Share a welcome message
As a part of the UK ELT effort, we ask that your centre record a short video or post a photo of staff and students welcoming refugees to the UK as part of a social media campaign.
Remember to use #RefugeeWeek2019 #UKELT and include @englishuk and we will share your posts and compile them to raise awareness of the role UK ELT plays in supporting and welcoming refugees and of creating a welcoming and international environment here in the UK.
What activities could we run?
There are lots of games and activities you can run with your staff and students to mark Refugee Week.
This is a great opportunity to encourage understanding across cultures and raise money for charities that support refugees, like the Eddie Byers Fund. If you would like to donate what you have raised to the fund, please visit our donation page.
Share this list with your social activities coordinator!
On top of all these ideas, a donation box around the school is the perfect way for everyone to be involved.
What is the theme of Refugee Week 2019?
The theme of Refugee Week 2019 is 'You, me and those who came before', an invitation to explore the lives of refugees – and those who have welcomed them – throughout the generations. read more about this year's theme +
What are the aims of Refugee Week?
The aims of Refugee Week as stated on their website are:
- To encourage a diverse range of events to be held throughout the UK, which facilitate positive encounters between refugees and the general public in order to encourage greater understanding and overcome hostility
- To showcase the talent and expertise that refugees bring with them to the UK
- To explore new and creative ways to address relevant issues and reach beyond the refugee sector
- To provide information which educates and raises awareness of the reality of refugee experiences
Our ultimate aim is to create better understanding between different communities and to encourage successful integration, enabling refugees to live in safety and continue making a valuable contribution. read more +
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