Student Profile: Monique Berthier from France
18 January 2010

Monique Berthier is 59 and comes from France, where she works as an assistant manager. She has studied at English UK member English Language in the Lakes (Nab Cottage) twice.

How long was your course?

Firstly one week, secondly two weeks.

Did you know any English before coming here?

Before going to the UK, I studied English at school but I don't practice it.

Why did you choose to come to the UK?

I choose to come in the UK to improve my English, for pleasure, as a personal challenge.

What made you choose the language school?

I chose Nab Cottage because a cousin of mine studied in Nab Cottage and told me that it was a very efficient school, and very friendly. Moreover, the Lake District appeals to me as a very nice place, where you can walk in the National Park and visit places such as Wordsworth's house and Hadrian’s Wall... mixing studies and holiday.

Did you enjoy your time in the UK? What did you like most?

I particularly enjoyed my stay in the UK, discovering for the first time this country and inhabitants, who were very helpful (I was travelling by train and bus), and appreciating all landscapes.    

I really enjoyed Nab Cottage because they have been able to create a community as a family: for example celebrating students’ birthdays, and creating cultural exchanges (I especially appreciated a traditional Chinese tea ceremony). Thanks to its tolerant and humanistic atmoshere, Nab Cottage has a special place in my heart.

Did anything surprise you?

I was surprised that speaking your own language was not permitted, even if you had only just started in studying the English language; but thanks to this you can progress.

Has learning English changed your life?

Learning English made me more confident, even if I do make a lot of mistakes...

What are you doing now? Could you have done it without your English?

I'm still working as an assistant manager, and I'm not practising English!

But when I am retired, I will come again to Nab Cottage. 

Would you recommend learning English in the UK to your friends?

Certainly! The UK and France are near. I recommend it often - and particularly Nab Cottage! 

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