English UK summit seminars: exploring market opportunities
Summit seminars | Monday 14 September | 08:00 - 18:15
The English UK Summit takes place on Monday 14 - Wednesday 16 September.
On the Monday we are offering a day of free seminars for English UK members and agents who work with UK ELT.
The exploring market opportunities sessions focus on key markets for UK ELT and will offer valuable information, data and insights userful for sales teams, marketers and agents working with these markets.
Members and agents are also welcome to join our other seminars on regulations and the adapted student experience.
Current market sentiments in East Asia - a panel
Monday 14 September | 08:00 – 08:45 UK time
This interactive session will be led by Fraser Deas from British Council China. Fraser will be joined by Sabrina Lan from International House London and a selection of agents from East Asia to hear about latest market sentiment and language learning trends as well as advice and guidance on marketing messages to support future ELT travel to the UK. There will be a chance to ask questions.
Fraser Deas is the head of education services at the British Council China. He supports UK education providers with their international work in China, delivering bespoke marketing and research services to grow their brand, recruit students and develop international partnerships.
Sabrina Lan understands that students are all individuals, with different reasons for learning. She has extensive knowledge of the market, the products, and has been working with agencies and students from Asia and Turkey during her time at IH London.
Shirley Lian is product director of EIC Study Tour Department at EIC, China. EIC study tour is a sub-brand of Education International Cooperation (EIC) Group mainly offering short term study programs for students, especially for those who wish to study overseas in the future. Shirley is mainly responsible for developing short term programs for clients.
Richard Jones oversees all partnership work from the Group's Head Office, in Taipei. The UKEAS Group is an education consultancy providing free and impartial counselling and application services for international students wishing to study at institutions in the UK and other countries. UKEAS was founded in Taiwan in 1993 and now has offices in Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Philippines, India, Nigeria, Ghana, UK.
Seth Rutrakool is managing director of GENT and vice president of TIECA. GENT is the largest provider for study group programs sending Thai students to study short course English. GENT also offers boarding school, high school and counselling service for university students.
EMI and EME partnership opportunities with HE in China
Monday 14 September | 8:55 – 10:45 UK time
As part of our ongoing partnership with Department of International Trade and British Council, this session will explore opportunities for developing partnerships with Chinese HE institutions in supporting the development of EMI (English as a medium of instruction) and EME (English as a medium of education).
This is a follow up session of the British Council's Emerging English China-UK Higher Education Online Symposium on English Medium Education (EME) in June. DIT and BC hope to use this session to share current insight on China HE English Medium Education context with a particular focus on possible business models and case studies. There will be opportunity for questions and answers. With this session, we hope to help UK stakeholders to identify potential opportunities for future cooperation and partnership.
Speakers include representatives from British Council China, University of International Relations Beijing and XuetangX, China's first MOOC platform.
ELT market focus - MENA with selected agents, schools and experts
Monday 14 September | 11:00 – 11:45 UK time
Spencer Fordham from Capital School of English, Bournemouth will be joined by Haitam Giat from Yes Atlas in a panel chaired by Tim Barker of English UK. The panellists will discuss the current situation in the MENA region and possible opportunities or challenges for the near future in student recruitment and critically student scholarship programmes.
ELT market focus - Italy with selected agents, schools and experts
Monday 14 September | 13:30 – 14:10 UK time
This key UK ELT market will be explored by Pina Foti, of Italian agency association IALCA, Loretta Corro from agent Obvietto Lingua and Justin Quinn from English UK member CES. Tim from English UK will chair a discussion focused on market recovery and ask the panellists what the near future might hold for ministays, summer programmes and adult students from Italy.
ELT market focus - Russia with Bonard, selected agents and schools
Monday 14 September | 14:25 – 15:05 UK time
Samuel Vetrak of Bonard will lead a panel of experts on the current state of the market in Russia. Samuel will leverage industry leading data on market trends as well as the most current sentiments from experts on the ground.
Samuel will be joined by Anastasia Kohlweiss, MD of Insight Lingua, Valentina Ozmidova, Chair of the AREA Board and Naira Abrahamyan who is Business Development Manager for CIS with British Study Centres.
ELT market focus - Spain with agents, schools and experts
Monday 14 September | 15:20 – 16:00 UK time
Another critical market for many in the ELT industry, Tim will be speaking with Oscar Porras of Aseproce, Maite Mulet of TEC Idiomas, Jose Brinkmann from member centre Country Cousins and Jamie Gantley from Intuition. The panel will discuss the challenges of quarantine, prospects for recovery and how to rebuild the fragile market confidence and key relationships between agents and schools.
ELT market focus - Latin America with Bonard, selected agents and schools
Monday 14 September | 17:30 – 18:15 UK time
Santuza Bicalho of Bonard will finish the day with a focus on Latin America, covering the unique challenges and opportunities that this diverse region offers to UK ELT. With the large percentage of students from Latin America coming from agents, these relationships are critical. Santuza will also use unique global data from Bonard to position the UK in regards to the key competitor destinations for students from this region.
Santuza will be joined by Maura Leão BELTA President, Victor Hugo Baseggio, Owner of CI and Pamela Cardenas, Worldwide Sales Director at LSI.
Register to attend the seminars
Not yet booked to join us at the English UK Summit? Members and agents who work with ELT are welcome to join our seminar programme for free on Monday 14 September.
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