English UK summit seminars: understanding regulations

Summit seminars | Monday 14 September | 08:00 - 18:15
The English UK Summit takes place on Monday 14 - Wednesday 16 September.
On the Monday we are offering a day of free seminars for English UK members and agents who work with UK ELT.
Our Understanding Regulations sessions include visa information sessions, advice on legal agreements, and updates on UK ELT accreditation and SELTS (Secure English Language Tests).
Members and agents are also welcome to join our other seminars on market opportunities and the adapted student experience.
What does the new point based immigration system mean for students?
Monday 14 September | 8:55 – 9:45 UK time
From 1 January 2021, the UK will introduce a new points-based immigration system.
As part of this, we will continue to be a world-class destination for education, with no limits on numbers and many positive reforms for HEIs and students themselves.
Join this session from UK Visas and Immigration to hear more about the changes – including the new 2-year post-study Graduate Route!
Legal agreements - a firm footing
Monday 14 September | 10:00 – 10:45 UK time
One of the issues brought into sharp relief by the Covid-19 crisis is that no matter what kind of business you are operating, having clear, sensible legal agreements in place is crucial.
In this session, Travlaw Senior Partner Matt Gatenby will look to delve into the key points to know in this area, using clear language, and will give practical points you can take away to better protect your business in the future.
Matt Gatenby is part of the leadership team at Travlaw. His day-to-day work sees Matt proud to serve a vast array of tour operators, travel agents, trade associations, insurers and their underwriters.
British Council Accreditation developments, update for agents
Monday 14 September | 10:00 – 10:45 UK time
In this session Liz McLaren will reflect on how the ELT sector is changing, and outline how the Accreditation UK scheme is developing so that it continues to ensure the quality and safety of UK provision. This session is specifically for the perspective of agents and Language Tour Operators.
Liz McLaren works for the British Council, where she manages the Accreditation UK quality assurance scheme. Accreditation UK sets and monitors the standards for ELT provision in the UK, and promotes the pursuit of excellence in professional standards in all aspects of that provision.
Upcoming visa changes and student mobility
Monday 14 September | 11:00 – 11:45 UK time
Join Pat Saini, immigration expert, for an overview of the main changes likely to impact the study travel market to help you prepare for business from January 2021 onwards.
Pat Saini heads the firm's immigration team and has over 20 years' experience in her field. Her business clients include large multinational corporations as well as start-ups and scale-ups while in the education sector she acts for universities, FE colleges, English language and independent schools. She provides guidance on all aspects of immigration including sponsor compliance, Brexit related issues, business restructuring and risk management.
Accreditation UK developments, the language centre perspective
Monday 14 September | 13:30 – 14:10 UK time
In this session Liz McLaren will outline how the Accreditation UK scheme is adapting for 'the new normal'; including changes to inspection and the accreditation of online provision. This session is specifically for the perspective of language centres.
Liz McLaren works for the British Council, where she manages the Accreditation UK quality assurance scheme. Accreditation UK sets and monitors the standards for ELT provision in the UK, and promotes the pursuit of excellence in professional standards in all aspects of that provision.
UK Visas and Immigration support for students during the Covid-19 pandemic
Monday 14 September | 14:25 – 15:05 UK time
We all know the challenges of 2020 have led to many questions from students about how they can get to the UK to start their studies on time.
A lot of those questions are about visas – so join this session to hear from UK Visas and Immigration how they are supporting students during this time.
Harry Booty works on UKVI strategic communications overseas and has been based in India for 3 years. Originally focused on India / South Asia, he now runs a team covering Asia and Africa, with support for Americas too. Their collective role is to manage stakeholders and deliver impactful communications providing guidance for customers on UK visas, as well as campaigns on key Home Office priorities (e.g. student support, work visa rules, tourism promotion and covid-related awareness).
Updates to exams and SELTS
Monday 14 September | 15:20 – 16:00 UK time
With exams likely to be a resilient sector of ELT through this period, join this session to hear about the changes and adaptations made by IELTS, Pearson and LanguageCert to enable English exams and SELTS to continue.
Register to attend the seminars
Not yet booked to join us at the English UK Summit? Members and agents who work with ELT are welcome to join our seminar programme for free on Monday 14 September.
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