Positive feedback from the first ELT Digital Marketing Bootcamp
"It's probably the best English UK training course I've ever been on," says Steve Oliver.
He's been in the ELT industry for almost 25 years, and has just created and uploaded his first pieces of web marketing copy to EJO's website, thanks to our Digital Marketing Bootcamp. The course is being repeated next month in Manchester, run by ELT digital marketing specialists Disquiet Dog.
Steve, partner in Elizabeth Johnson Organisation, says he didn't know anything about digital marketing and that signed up for the course because he was aware the company could be doing better in this area.
"It did make me feel I could do it... I didn't come out thinking I can change the world now, but I did come out thinking there is something I can do, there are ways I can improve our direct marketing without it costing me a fortune," he said.
Steve says he feared the course would be "way too technical" but the trainers went at the students' pace, were always happy to stop and explain in more detail, and made sure they were available during the lunch break, at the end of the day, and since the course ended, to answer questions.
"It's all good and extremely good value for money, I thought," he says, adding: "It's particularly good Richard has worked in the industry – it's nice learning from people who have done it themselves and know what they're talking about. They've been offering help and advice since the course too – last week I sent them something and they've given me feedback and with their help I've just got the first article written and ready to put out there, with a few more in the pipeline as well."
Felix O'Leary, also on the first course, was used to using social media but is in his first ELT job as sales and marketing assistant at the Wimbledon School of English. He also liked the willingness of the trainers to adapt the course for students, and to stay in touch afterwards.
"It was very accessible and useful and I learned a lot. I certainly benefited, and I think people more senior would benefit as well. The whole workshop was based around an approach I hadn't really considered, how to get more traffic to the website using social media. It was a bit of a revelation to find out the website is still more important than social media."
Both recommend the Bootcamp, which gives a practical working knowledge of Google Analytics, CMS management, keywords, social media, content writing and the perfect title, as well as an understanding of how to plan and embed digital change in the context of your ELT centre.
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