An end of year message from English UK
The news is heavy at the moment. We are all feeling concerned and uncertain about the impact of Omicron on UK ELT. English UK is here to help our members and UK ELT, whatever comes next.
Amidst the heaviness, we do have positives to look forward to in 2022, and highlights from the past year. As we wish everyone a holiday season spent with those whom you love the most and thank you for your support in 2021, we share our 12 festive gifts with you.
On the first day of Christmas English UK gave to me…
£1.5bn of business rates relief (hopefully)
This new government money - Covid-19 Additional Relief Fund (CARF) - goes to local authorities and the devolved nations in the New Year to support business that have been badly affected by Covid-19 but have not yet benefitted from relief. We've spent much of 2021 campaigning for ELT to be first in the queue. We will start 2022 by helping you write to your local authorities to petition them for this relief, and any other financial support provided in the wake of Omicron.
On the second day of Christmas English UK gave to me…
Two ELT projects for the planet and diversity
We're proud of our member-led antiracism and environmental action projects – look out for further developments in the New Year.
On the third day of Christmas English UK gave to me…
36 Tory MPs wrote to Boris about UK ELT
It took a lot of plotting but in summer 2021 we managed to get 36 influential Tory backbenchers to sign a letter to Boris Johnson explaining the plight of English UK members and asking for business rates relief and other support.
On the fourth day of Christmas English UK gave to me...
Four QUIC quarters supporting business strategy
We're so pleased that our quarterly intelligence scheme is thriving – it's essential to help us track emerging trends of recovery after the Covid-19 pandemic. If you're missing out, you can get involved from the first quarter in 2022. Email statistics@englishuk.com for more information.
On the fifth day of Christmas English UK gave to me...
Five gold rings (of the StudyWorld meeting bell)
StudyWorld online has strengthened our international partnerships through the pandemic. StudyWorld winter and spring are already booking up with educators and agents working for recovery.
On the sixth day of Christmas English UK gave to me...
60 PRELIM partnerships with teachers overseas
2021-2022 sees a second round of this British Council, English UK and IATEFL project that partners member centres with English teachers' associations all over the world to improve language confidence. Since 2020, that's 60 collaborative projects in total from Bangladesh to Cote d'Ivoire, Guinea Bissau to North Macedonia, Mongolia to Cuba, all supported by British Council grants.
On the seventh day of Christmas English UK gave to me...
Seven lords a-speaking about UK ELT
Seven lords might be a bit of poetic licence, but we've had pleasing numbers of people in both Houses of Parliament speaking up for our industry over the year. Most recently was government minister Lord Greenhalgh in October, who said, in reference to the Covid-19 Additional Relief Fund (CARF): 'We will confirm the eligibility of sectors in due course when we publish guidance in the proper way, but certainly the English language teaching sector is one of those that we are looking at very carefully.'
On the eighth day of Christmas English UK gave to me...
80 English UK members teaching refugees for free
Over 600 refugees and asylum seekers have been taught by English UK members without charge since 2015 when the charity RefuAid was founded. Currently, 247 students are learning with our members, including 83 doctors and nurses. This is possible thanks to the partnership between English UK and RefuAid and the altruism and generosity of the 80 English UK member centres involved in the programme.
On the ninth day of Christmas English UK gave to me...
90,000 potential scholarship students from Hungary
Covid-19 permitting, UK ELT centres could be teaching up to 90,000 government-funded Hungarian students next summer, which is exactly the boost our industry needs. English UK is working closely with the scheme's organisers and the UK government to help us make the best of this opportunity. We'll be using our English with Confidence campaign to reassure and encourage Hungarian students, as well as those from other markets.
On the tenth day of Christmas English UK gave to me...
Ten new diploma modules and more for employees
We know a shortage of qualified, experienced staff is a major concern for members – look out for our survey and action on this in the New Year. We're also relaunching our flagship qualifications, the DELTM and renamed CELTSEM (Certificate in ELT Student Experience Management) for 2022. The DELTM will have 10 modules, the new CELTSEM six.
On the 11th day of Christmas English UK gave to me...
Eleven committed executive team members supporting UK ELT
That's how many of us work for English UK to support our members. We may be a small team, but we are mighty. In her 2021 members' conference and AGM address, chief executive Jodie Gray said of the executive team: 'Good fortune has been hard to find for English UK members and UK ELT this past year. But I can assure you that it has been your great fortune to have had this group of people in your corner. They have worked tirelessly, and I cannot tell you how proud I am of them.
This team shares in your heartbreak at the plight of UK ELT. They share in your dedication to your survival and recovery. We are on your side. We are by your side. We work for you.' This has never been truer.
On the 12th day of Christmas English UK gave to me...
Twelve dedicated board members planning English UK strategy
The Board of Trustees is the member voice of English UK. Each trustee works in the industry in a variety of centres and settings. Each one is on the board because members voted for them. Last month, they set the tone for our coming work, our vision and values, establishing a foundation from which we will rebuild our recovery together.
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