English UK Board of Trustees: call for nominations for the 2022 elections
Are you interested in standing for the English UK Board of Trustees? There are seven seats up for election this year, for the three years from May 2022 to May 2025.
The last two years have shown that as a membership community, we are stronger together. Throughout the pandemic, our trustees have volunteered their time and expertise as the custodians of English UK, for which we are so grateful.
We need strong, strategic leadership and good governance to navigate the association through these challenging times and to take advantage of the opportunities in recovery and growth. Have you got what it takes to step forward and take up the baton?
If you are thinking of standing for election download the nomination form, and if you would like to discuss the role, contact Jodie Gray chief executive.
Vacant seats
There are seven vacant seats for which candidates may be nominated.
- Two of the seats have been held by members of the board who were elected for a three-year term of office in 2019 and who are eligible for re-election for one more term of three years, if they wish (Catrin Diamantino and Spencer Fordham).
- One seat has been held by the Chair of the board (Mark Rendell) who was first elected for a three-year term of office in 2016 and again in 2019. As chairs and vice chairs are eligible for a maximum of nine years of service, Mark may stand for re-election for a final term of three years, if he wishes.
- One seat has been held by a member of the board (Farhan Quraishi) who was appointed in 2021 by resolution of the board to fill the casual vacancy created by the mid-term resignation of a former board member (Chris Moonie). Farhan is eligible for election for his first full term, if he wishes.
- Three of the seats are vacant as the board members will stand down in May 2022 having completed a maximum length of consecutive service allowed for their role - six years (Jane Dancaster, Nigel Paramor and Sarah Etchells).
2022 board election timetable
- Nominations close at 17:00 on Friday 22 April
- Voting opens on Wednesday 27 April
- Voting closes at 17:00 on Friday 13 May
- Result of elections announced at the AGM on Friday 20 May.
The election process
Any member may nominate a candidate to serve on the board.
Board candidates must be a person with the necessary experience and skills to act as a trustee and be either an officer of a member company or a member centre's owner/ owning company, or a suitably qualified external candidate.
Proposers and seconders must be nominated representatives / primary contacts of English UK member centres and the nomination form must be signed in the relevant sections by these individuals.
The elections will be conducted by online ballot of all members.
Candidates should note that by being elected to the board of English UK, they become both a trustee of the registered charity and a director of English UK Ltd. Candidates are requested to provide a short personal statement of no more than 200 words, explaining why they are standing for election, their relevant experience and what they hope to contribute to the board of English UK.
Each candidate is additionally invited to record a one-minute video elevator pitch to explain to voting members why they should be elected to the board. These videos will be circulated with the ballot. Any candidate who has not provided a video or statement by 17:30 on Tuesday 26 April 2022 will be deemed to have decided not to do so, but (if properly nominated) their name will still feature on the ballot.
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