Have your say on TfL plans to withdraw Day Travelcards
26 May 2023

Have your say on TfL's plans to withdraw Day Travelcards

The Mayor of London is considering the option of withdrawing Day Travelcards as part of cost-saving efforts following the pandemic. 

Customers travelling in a single day would have to use pay-as-you-go methods (contactless, Oyster or Zip cards) or buy paper single/return tickets to travel on TfL services. Weekly and longer-term Travelcards would still be available.

We know that the loss of paper Day Travelcards will create complications for members taking groups of under 18s around London, given the steps required to get Zip cards or set a Young Visitor discount on an Oyster card. 

There is a consultation open until Tuesday 6 June. We encourage members to submit questions to press TfL to reconsider their plans.

> Respond to the consultation





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