Springboard into ELT management with English UK's DELTM
13 September 2023

2022 DELTM group

Springboard into ELT management with the DELTM

It's not just our students who can fly with the right qualifications – it's ELT staff as well.

New, aspiring and acting managers can all benefit from our DELTM qualification (Diploma in English Language Teaching Management). Our trainers cover a breadth of management disciplines to give participants the knowledge and confidence to succeed as ELT managers. 

Chris Baker, who works for Alpadia Language Schools, completed the DELTM course earlier this year. He told us about his course experience, from the perspective of someone who is fairly new to ELT management.

A "transformative" experience with highly engaged participants and valuable peer-to-peer work

Chris said the course was a "transformative" experience for him, and that he had already recommended it to an industry colleague.

"The course has springboarded me further into English school management and given me a quality industry-recognised qualification to move forward with."

Chris's fellow course participants were equally appreciative: "Having been apprehensive about taking the DELTM, I believe it was an excellent decision as the course has provided valuable insights into various topics. I've been able to take learnings and recommendations back to my school.

My colleagues on the DELTM were all highly engaged and enthusiastic and the peer-to-peer work has been the best part of it," said one.

Access to experienced industry professionals

Chris is happy that the DELTM met his aspirations. "I wanted to study professionally but only something that was explicitly linked to my work. The course content has all been valuable and related to my role as a manager of UK summer schools. As I am relatively new to the industry, I also wanted access to industry professionals in the form of tutors and other participants to enhance my wider industry understanding."

Conversations and content sharing continued on Whatsapp

Chris says the course gave him academic confidence in his field, and that he particularly appreciated access to the tutors in group sessions and follow-up 121s as well as "catch-up sessions with the other participants and the continued communication, conversations and sharing of content through our WhatsApp group chat. By meeting managers from other language schools in the UK, I gained further appreciation of my role, my organisation and the extent of collaboration across the industry. I feel more confident to push on into further management roles based on my learning."Visit the DELTM page for full course information

Our next DELTM course starts in October 2023

The 2023/24 DELTM course runs from Friday 6 October 2023 to Friday 22 March 2024. During this period there are two face-to-face training sessions, eight online training sessions, five assignments and a final project.


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