The Academic Conference is a one-stop event for ELT practitioners and their managers.
The event includes expert speakers, materials providers, opening plenaries from Silvana and Vic Richardson and the chance catch up with old contacts and make new ones over great food throughout the day and an evening drinks reception.
Friday 18 January: academic leadership
Session one: observations, stress and wellbeing
Making the most of lesson observations with Yvert de Souza
This session explores how the way we observe, grade and give feedback differs greatly depending on whether our observations are for quality assurance or quality improvement.
Stress free summer with Alicja Szyszkowiak
Alicja will share her experience of setting up systems and procedures to ensure the smooth running of the academic side of summer schools. She will attempt to show how most difficulties experienced by academic managers can be solved with the help of simple computer tools.
Looking after your teachers with Phil Longwell
This session will explore the hot topic of how poor mental health can be recognised and properly addressed with English language teaching. Phil will focus on what employers can do to support their employees and highlight recommendations for good practice.
Session two: performance, evaluation and communication
Strength in teaching criteria with Josh Round
This workshop will aim to look at the big-picture systems you can use to develop an excellent teaching team, as well as zoom in on the steps you can follow to prepare your teaching team for inspection, and ensure they are ready to show their best.
Negotiating skills for life... and thereafter with Nick Brieger
This session will introduce you to the golden triangle of negotiating skills. Nick recognised the importance of English as a common language to forge international contacts and intercultural understanding.
A critical evaluation of the position of critical thinking within UK Higher Education Institutions with Chris Sowton
Chris will consider whether English language departments are effectively prepared and reflecting on what they are teaching about critical thinking in the classroom.
Making inclusive practices everyday practices with Anne Margaret Smith and Varinder Unlu
Developing inclusive practices in language teaching is the process of finding ways of working that satisfy all individuals in a group. This talk suggests some practical techniques that can be used to promote inclusive cultures within schools.
Session three: change and rolling enrolment
Making the outstanding normal with Jill Coleman
'Satisfactory' is no longer good enough. This talk will describe the practical initiatives introduced at Bell Adult Centres in order to show teachers what is expected of them, to encourage them to be reflective in their practice and to strive for excellence.
Negotiating change with Josh Round and Andy Gaskins
This session looks at the introduction of new planning systems designed to encourage teachers to negotiate course content with students. Josh and Andy will talk about how negotiation can have positive impacts on student experience whilst keeping teachers onside.
Making a success of rolling enrolment with Rachael Jones
The aim of this session is to discuss ways of diversifying practice for both teachers and managers so that rolling enrolment can benefit our institutions.
Session four: mentoring, development and student wellbeing
Teaching and learning laid bare with Liz McLaren and Heather Daldry
This session will compare inspection results in the teaching and learning section for different types of provider during the last four-year inspection cycle with those from 2018. Participants will be invited to share their experiences.
The vital role of mentoring staff development and engagement with George Pickering
Mentoring is one key way of managing talent and improving employee engagement. This talk will discuss definitions, informal forms and benefits of mentoring along with the dos and dont's.
Learning on the go: a rationale for going mobile with Gavin Dudeney
In this session Gavin will help you look at both the theory, practice and advantages of teaching using learners' own mobile devices through the BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) approach that could lead to memorable and impactful learning experiences.
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